Are you finding your lunch breaks getting shorter and shorter? Or is eating at your desk becoming the norm?
We did a bit of digging around and found that 1 in 3 Aussies are skipping lunch once a week and 1 in 10 of us will work through our lunch break. Thankfully, there’s nothing our corporate catering can’t fix to get you away from your desk!
With a to do list that always seems never ending, deadlines looming and the constant flow of emails – it’s not easy to squeeze in a lunch break. But you should and here’s why.
You’ll get more done
On average, our brains are only able to focus for 90 minutes at a time. Taking a break – even if it’s just 20 minutes during the day is a proven way to sustain concentration and increase your energy levels. By giving your brain time to recharge, you’ll refresh your attention span and your ability to focus will naturally improve.
Fosters a positive working environment
Productivity soars when people enjoy what they’re doing and are surrounded by a happy work culture. Being social and spending your lunch break with your colleagues creates better working relationships and can help ease the strain of a hectic day.
Enhances your physical health and mindfulness
Sitting in one place for long periods of time isn’t doing your physical health any favours. If you’re lucky enough to have an onsite gym or your workplace runs wellbeing classes during lunchtime – do it and give your body and mind an opportunity to reset. Even stepping away from your desk to go for a walk outside to catch a bit of vitamin D can make all the difference.
Reduces stress and improves your mood
As much as your physical health can benefit from a quick break, so too can your mental health. Thinking about things other than work and separating yourself from your computer screen for 15 – 30 minutes isn’t going to drastically increase your workload, but it can be the best mood lifter and stress releaser. Just like sharing your lunch break with others promotes a happier working environment, it’s also a great way to give yourself a bit of a ‘mind scrub’.
So, what can you do at your workplace?
Encourage real lunch breaks
If you manage a team, then lead by example and make sure you take a lunch break yourself. Move away from your desk, go outside if you can and leave your devices behind. Show your team that it’s okay to take a break and that even the busiest of people need a timeout too.
Organise a regular team lunch
This doesn’t mean you have to venture out every week. At Pinjarra Bakery we make it easy for you with our corporate catering menu. We can deliver an epic lunch spread for your team to share and we cater for different dietary requirements.
Getting everyone together for lunch is also a great way to reward your team for all the hard work they’re doing. It’s a small gesture, but one we’re sure they’ll appreciate.
Perth’s best corporate catering
Want to treat your staff to a tasty catered lunch? To organise corporate catering in Perth for your workplace, get in touch with us.