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With more than 100,000 people attending the Melbourne Cup every year, it’s a big deal. With the right preparations, hosting the perfect office party for the race can even be better than watching it at the track. Setting up games and activities, ordering Melbourne Cup catering, and even having a theme can make sure everyone in the office has a good time. If you’ve been tasked with hosting and planning the office party for the Melbourne Cup this year, here’s everything you need to do:

Feature Finger Food

The choice of food can make or break a party. For any party where there guests are likely to jump around in tense anticipation or excitement, finger food is your best bet.

With finger food catering in Perth, you can order food that’s easy to eat and serve to your guests. Make sure to get a wide variety of options, like sliders, skewers, cheese plates, or even sushi. Don’t forget about desserts, either! Remember to order cupcakes, brownies, and other sweets. Getting catering for your ideal Melbourne Cup party will ensure you have the right food that will excite your co-workers.

Provide Alcohol

Nothing can energise a group as much as alcohol. Getting a wide range of spirits and liquor like beer, wine, or even vodka will provide everyone with the drinks of their choice. No one likes their alcohol warm either, so keep your drinks cold in a cooler full of ice for a while before the party is set to begin.

Get the Guests Excited

Talking to your co-workers about all the fun aspects of your upcoming parties will make it more likely for them to come and not regret it. When talking, be sure to mention the large amounts of food and alcohol; you’re almost guaranteed a full and lively party.

As additional reminders, send emails out a few weeks before, a few days before, and the day of the race. These constant reminders will make sure no one forgets about the great party you’ll throw.

Prepare Activities

With time before the big race begins, you can set up a few activities and games. Some fun ideas are having a fashion show where you give awards to the best-dressed people in the office, or decorating your desk to reflect your excitement for the race. Even organizing a good old game of trivia about the event will be a lot of fun for everyone. Keep the action going and have a great MC to guide the guests throughout the night.

Encourage Meeting New People

Not every co-worker knows each other, especially in large companies. Office parties are a great opportunity to unwind and spend quality time with people you might not have expected. Icebreakers and other social activities can relieve the awkwardness between unacquainted people. The purpose of this special party is to mingle, so make the most of it and motivate people to get to know each other.

Don’t Forget Decorations

Offices are often dull and not an exciting venue for parties as-is. When planning for the party, come up with the theme. A good idea is to base it off the Melbourne Cup and do horse-inspired decorations, like horseshoes and saddles. You can also put up black and white stripes like jockeys wear, and flowers to make the office look presentable.

Watch the Race

To watch the exciting race with a large group of people, you’ve got to have a good television setup. If you don’t have a television large enough to accommodate your guests, you can always use a projector to project the race on a screen or a white wall. Make sure you’ve made your bets on your favourite horse, and to have fun no matter if you win or lose.

Ready, Set, Party!

With the right combination of food, alcohol, and activities, you can get your co-workers asking about the next office party. Encourage guests to get to know each other, relax, and have fun, because that’s the best way for everyone to have a great time. The Melbourne Cup is the perfect opportunity for your next big event at the office.

Schedule Catering in Perth Today!

Need help catering for the Cup? Contact Pinjarra Bakery today, and we’ll sort everything for you.